Three steps to destress your worry is what I would love to blog about this day.
I'm a little short on time this morning therefore, this post will be a short one, but I know with all my heart and soul that the habit of worry gains momentum, and then causes anxiety and great stress among people.
So, with that said, I would love to give you three steps to destress your worry, especially if your worry has great momentum.
Here you go...
Step one: Think of the absolute best outcome for your biggest worry. When we worry we think of the absolute worst that can happen, and here I suggest to do the opposite. If you think of the best rather than the worst, you can, and will create hope, and faith, which will relieve the habit of worry.
Step two: Write it down. Just thinking about the best outcome is not good enough because you may go right back to the worry of it all, and if you write it down, it will assist you in a way to evolve your habit of worry to faith.
Step three: Carry it with you and read it often. The thing is, you won't even have to read it more than once or twice a day because if you carry it with you, say in your pocket, when you touch it, you will be reminded of the best outcome. When you remind yourself of the best outcome, you are replacing the constant reminder of the worst outcome of your worry.
Make sense???
Try it! You will love it! Do it for you because you deserve it.
Have a great week my friend, and dare to destress your worry.
Speak soon...
Elizabeth Stanfill
Welcome! Destress Yourself is about connecting to God, relieving strain from human conditioning, and leveling up via spiritual expansion. Even if you don't believe in God, you may believe in confidence, and inner peace, the opposite of stress. Please know, these are my own opinions from personal and professional education, evidence and experience. My opinions about behavior and conditioning! That's My Disclaimer! The information here is not substitute for professional advice!