From the last post, How To Destress Yourself; The First Step, you should have looked at the stressful habits, or characteristic, and determined which ones you are sustaining. When you discover which stressful trait you are maintaining then you have begun the awareness, which is the first step to destress yourself.
So, now that you know your stressful habits what do you do with them.
Well, I will tell you. You must learn to eliminate your stressful characteristic and replace it with the successful practice, which is the opposite behavior.
Angry vs Peaceful
Irritable vs Easy Going
Frustrated vs Composed
Sad vs Happy
Anxious vs Relaxed
Uptight vs Calm
Drinking vs Sober
Smoking vs Nonsmoker
Over Eating vs Eating for Energy
Reacting to situations with doubt, fear, and worry vs having confidence, faith, and hope
Being closed minded (unteachable) vs being open minded (teachable)
Being apathetic and indifferent about others and self vs being loving and caring towards others and self
Having a racing mind vs having a quiet mind
Having very negative thoughts vs having very positive thoughts
Experiencing negative emotions vs experiencing positive emotions
Being very critical vs being very complimentary
Mastering doubt vs mastering faith in life, others, and self
Getting offended easily vs being more understanding towards people's imperfections
Not intentionally setting goals vs Never Ending Goal Setting
Looking at what is wrong vs looking at what is right
Too serious about life vs having fun and being playful
Accepting illness vs eliminating illness
The awareness is knowing your stressful habits, discovering the opposite, successful behavior, and setting the goal to eliminate the bad and replace it with the good.
This is the first step to destress yourself.
I hope that this is helpful.
Have a great day and don't forget to have fun and be playful.
Welcome! Destress Yourself is about connecting to God, relieving strain from human conditioning, and leveling up via spiritual expansion. Even if you don't believe in God, you may believe in confidence, and inner peace, the opposite of stress. Please know, these are my own opinions from personal and professional education, evidence and experience. My opinions about behavior and conditioning! That's My Disclaimer! The information here is not substitute for professional advice!