Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Failure Versus Success

 Hey, hey...

How are you doing today?

I always ask that, don't I?

The reason I ask is because I care, and I'd like you to think about it. Think about how you are doing.

I'm doing really, really, really great, and I am so very, very, very grateful for my life.

Recently, I have been assigning, and discussing contemplations, focus, and meditations. The motivation behind this is, I would love to recondition, and retrain myself to higher levels of enlightenment.

This enlightenment I am talking about is the law of love.

In my last post, Are You Seeking Spirituality, I suggested an exercise on perfect love. Did you do it? I did!

This is what I did. I contemplated perfect love as much as possible. This focus included my first thought in the morning, my meditation at noon, my last thought as I fell asleep at night, and focus on the words, perfect love, throughout the day.

Would you like to know the result?

Well, I'm going to tell you whether you'd like to know or not. ~wink~

It seemed to me that everything went perfectly perfect throughout my entire week. I believe the focus on perfect love brought more into my daily experience due to the law of love. This law of love, in my opinion, from reading the scriptures, is, in fact, the law of faith.

There was no thing but magnificent experiences, and feelings through out my week. I felt so much gratitude in my heart and soul.

This experience got me thinking about wisdom. 

Here in lies my thoughts on wisdom...

Success comes from wisdom. When things go wrong, some people become fearful with anger, anxiety, and/or depression. They tend to complain, criticize, dramatize, while most others focus on solutions. Focusing on solutions is wise, and gives way to success.

Wise, and successful individuals have a habit of producing solutions. 

The most successful people I know are calm, charitable, compassionate, confident, cooperative, kind, loving, and understanding.

The successful people I notice are not a prisoner of problems but a producer of solutions.

The solution to destress, i.e., relieving anger, anxiety, depression, and despair is the law of faith. 

The law of faith is, in fact, the law of perfect love. 

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18, New Testament, Holy Bible, KJV

Fear is the opposite of faith! 

If there is no fear in love, then love must be faith!

I sure wish I knew this much earlier in life. I could have, and would have been a much better person. But, it's alright, because all of my history has brought me to where I am now. This now has me more in love than I have ever been.

I'm just a woman in this fantastic world, doing spiritual experiments, and it really, really, really helps me pay attention to my life.

I'm paying attention to my business, and that business is between God, and me. God is love, and so I pay attention to love, and me.

The more I do this, the more God shows himself to me. Even if I didn't believe in God, I've always believed in love, and I am learning what perfect love is.

Just thought I'd share my ramblings of success with my experience seeking spirituality.

Have a wonderful day, and rest of the week my dear, kind, lovable, loving reader...

Speak soon...
