Hello! Hello!
An increase in stress is what I'd like to talk about this day...
How are you doing my dear friend? Ever praying for your connection to God, and an increase in joy.
I love statistics because it shows probabilities. Over the years I have been studying statistics from my blog, which means, I can see how many people read my blog a day, what posts are read the most, and how many people are return visitors.
I cannot and do not see any personal information from anyone. ~wink~
I do see the increase and decrease of blog readers though. I see that September through May is the busiest months on my blog, and June and July are the least busy.
Recently I've seen an increase in readers, and I deduce that stress is coming. August is probably the beginning of the peak of the stress season because of the thoughts of what's about to happen in September, and the holiday months to follow.
Makes sense doesn't it? Back to school, and less play time due to winter months coming and summer months going.
The number one thing, I would recommend, to keep the stress low is to begin, or increase, the habit of meditation because we can, and do practice a quiet mind and a relaxed body.
Stress is the opposite of relaxation, and we can choose which one we will practice into permanence. Stress is displayed through negative emotions like anger, anxiety, and depression, which come from habits of doubt, fear, and worry. When we quiet the mind and relax, we cease the habitual practice of stress and increase the habit of relaxing.
Chilling out is the order of every day.
It just takes practice, but you gotta begin making it a habit, or a greater habit if you've dabbled in meditation already.
It only takes five minutes a day of meditation to begin. All you gotta do is click this link here, listen to the sounds, quiet your mind, and relax.
Try it, if you'd like...
Just a suggestion because I know how valuable meditation is. I've been meditating since 1999. Can you believe that?
I am energetic and happy, and I know that it is because of my meditation practice that enhances my connection to God.
I believe, without a doubt that meditation is one of the most important things you, we, can do to magnify our connection to God, which will increase our energy and happiness, which will lift our life, and strengthen our minds.
Think about it...
If a person has learned to focus on doubts, fears, and worries by default, for a very long time, he or she has trained his or her mind to become a nonstop, racing mind for as many years as he or she has been practicing it.
Meditation is also a training of the mind but it's the opposite of a racing mind, which is a calm, confident, and quiet mind.
I am still becoming the person I am meant to be, and I am enjoying the journey. I have tons of energy, and this energy comes from my happiness and joy. This happiness and joy come from my connection to God. This connection to God could not, and would not be as strong as it is without the quiet mind that I have developed through meditation.
I'm not bragging necessarily, okay, I am. But the point is... if I can quiet my mind and connect to God as I do, you can too. In fact, if I can, I'm convinced that anyone can!
Just something to ponder.
If I could, I would persuade and teach the world to meditate because I know, with all my heart and soul, that people who meditate are like people with chauffeurs, and people who don't are like people who have to walk everywhere. Meditation gets you there faster. Where does it get you faster to? It gets you to your calm, confident mind, to that person you are supposed to be, and to your desires, purpose, and passions in life, which are gifts from God.
If that is not enough persuasion to get you to meditate, stay tuned for more because I am on a kick to persuade and teach you meditation, which is the opposite of stress.
Meditation is destressing.
Big Hugs to you my friend...
God bless you...
Speak soon!
Welcome! Destress Yourself is about connecting to God, relieving strain from human conditioning, and leveling up via spiritual expansion. Even if you don't believe in God, you may believe in confidence, and inner peace, the opposite of stress. Please know, these are my own opinions from personal and professional education, evidence and experience. My opinions about behavior and conditioning! That's My Disclaimer! The information here is not substitute for professional advice!