Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Lesson of Life

Hey, hey...

It's Sunday...

So, happy Sunday...

He, he...

Do you know what the lesson of life is?

Life's lesson is that we turn to God for comfort and strength when we are suffering and struggling. When we turn to God, He shows us He's real.

That's the lesson!

If we suffer and struggle over and over, and we turn to God over and over, sooner or later, we discover that we can turn to Him at all times. 

When we always turn to Him, the comfort and strength for life come. When comfort and stability become a part of our everyday living, life is filled with ease and grace.

This ease and grace make way for a feeling and knowing God's unconditional love for us. Soon after, the human training of conditional love falls away, and we can understand and stand in a place connected to God, in perfect love without fear. I am talking about anger, anxiety, depression, and despair. 

Some people may find it hard to believe these negative emotions fall away. The point is that a person has to learn for himself or herself by turning to God regularly, not just on Sunday or when stuff hits the fan if you get my meaning.

Some people may never learn this lesson in their lifetime. Some people attend church every Sunday and are taught this weekly but do not live it. 

We can be taught this lesson and know it intellectually, but until we live it, we will continue our suffering and struggle.

To know deep down in the soul that God is real is to believe and behave as though one knows it. This is faithfulness and fearlessness in practice.

The above-average person resides in a spiritual state of being, connected to God. 

In my humble opinion, the average person cannot be above average through human conditioning. Meaning lack of a spiritual nature.

I do not consider human nature. I affirm human conditioning versus spiritual nature. 

Human conditioning teaches us conditional love and searching for happiness from others, which creates chaos rather than control.

Spiritual nature is the fruit of the spirit and is who we really are; some just forget. This spiritual nature, our nature, allows us to be connected to God with a state of confidence and poise, undaunted and unfazed by the world around us.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." ~ Galatians 5:22-23, Holy Bible, KJV

We are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. 

Look at any child, and you will see that they are the fruit of the spirit. We all have been a child, so we all are spiritual first. As compared below, you can also know that life teaches and trains all of us to be conditioned.

Spiritual Nature versus Human Training

Perfect love versus conditional love.

Joy versus depression.

Peace versus anxiety.

Longsuffering versus instant gratification.

Gentleness versus anger.

Goodness versus wickedness.

Faith versus fear.

Meekness versus arrogance.

Temperance versus excessiveness.

The lesson of life is to constantly turn to God, so we may know He is the truth, and He will lead us and guide us back to remembering and returning to who we are.

If you are having a hard time in life and are struggling to find relief, I believe, with all my body, mind, and soul, that if you turn to God unceasingly, you will discover respite. 


This relief is a practice into realization, as often as you seek it. Keep reaching, and this comfort comes with every search.

That's the lesson.

God has given us free agency and authority to choose, leading to our power and knowing our actual value and worth come from God and within our own mind, not from anything outside us.

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." ~ Matthew 6:33, Holy Bible, KJV

That's the lesson, my dear, caring, kind reader...

If you'd like to practice this lesson into permanence, read this post first thing in the morning and again last thing in the evening. Furthermore, contemplate it, focus on it, and practice it by turning to God. 

Reconditioning and retraining can be done by reminding and repetition, which are great ways of learning.

If you keep God at the forefront of your mind, I believe you will find much relief and purpose.

We are infants in our spirituality if we are not receiving guidance and inspiration from God and are not talking and walking with God.

And if that is not enough for you to do this week, may I suggest you learn to meditate, if you don't already. Quieting the mind is one of the most significant paths to free agency of thought and governing thy mood. ~wink~

"Be still and know that I am God." ~ Psalm 46:10, Holy Bible

The quiet mind gives respite from the worry of life and develops a listening way.

The belief, or thought, is the cause, and the emotion is the effect. I do believe that is the law of cause and effect.

You're doing really well, and you'll be just fine.

God bless you, my dear sweet friend...

Speak soon...

Elizabeth Stanfill

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