Destressing with focus is what I'd like to ramble about this day...
It just so happens that item eleven on the stress test is... Do you frequently complain about people, places, and things?
Do you?
Do you know if you do?
My last post was about destressing 2020 with the truth. Did you read it? You can check it out by clicking here.
Let us get ready for destressing 2020 with the truth. The truth I am talking about is, connecting to God, living with purpose, and moving back to the spiritual being that you and I are.
The truth is about leveling up in life if you want to.
This can be for you! Because you are the most crucial person in your life, and you can be even more impressive than you already are if you want to.
So, I ask you... are you a complainer?
Do you frequently criticize?
I know some people who constantly complain all the time. Most of their words are criticisms, and I do not believe they even know it. I think the average person grumbles, but it is not typical to gripe all the time.
In my youth, I found a lot of fault with people, places, and things and didn't even know I was doing it. My frequent complaints about everything maintained a negative attitude.
Some people are very harmful and don't believe or even know they are. What's worse is they don't know it is not normal, and they don't know that they aren't normal. Whatever normal is, right?
So, what does all of this have to do with destressing with focus? If you have a bad attitude, it comes from focusing on the doom and gloom of life or vice versa.
Happiness or misery comes from focus.
Some individuals suffering from anxiety, depression, or despair do not like to hear that it is their focus because they don't want to believe it is their fault. It is not anyone's fault that he or she has misery, but it can be any person's responsibility to believe in the self enough to change focus.
It is my humble belief, from education, evidence, and experience, that we can focus our way into destressing our life.
When we destress, we can and do live from the Spirit.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." ~Galatians 5:22-23, Holy Bible, KJV
I've spent much time practicing my focus and teaching others too. Some discoveries I have found within this practice and teaching are: it is effortless for people who have spent time practicing focus. It takes patience, training, and a never give up attitude to cultivate and develop concentration for people who weren't taught to.
To destress with focus, one must, if they want to, remove the complaining, criticizing, dramatizing, and gossiping. This kind of attention creates misery because it is about negative aspects of life. Some people will get this, and some won't.
If you believe that complaining, criticizing, dramatizing, and gossiping are okay, this post might not be for you. If you believe this post isn't for you, with all due respect and all the kindness and love in my heart, you may want to read my post on Ignorance is Not Bliss by clicking here. ~wink~
If you believe the mentioned behaviors are not okay and would like to eliminate these miseries of life, read on.
Either way, it's all good. I don't want to improve anyone or think I know what's best for anybody. I just want to point the person asking in the direction of connecting to God and living by the fruit of the Spirit, which is the permanent stress relief in this life.
So, here I go... pointing for whoever is asking for connection to God and life by the fruit of the Spirit.
Creating a focused mind is about practicing attention on the desired things an individual wants. To destress, concentration on the wished things is required over the undesired. Governing your thoughts by desire rather than thinking by default.
So, what do you want?
Indeed, you do not want doubt, fear, and worry, which is human conditioning. Indubitably, you want calm, confidence, happiness, and health.
To destress, one must practice calm and confidence, resulting in happiness and health.
It's all about contemplation, focus, and practice into permanence.
Let's experiment, shall we?
Try this...
For seven days, choose one of the statements below, and keep it at the forefront of your mind. This is practicing a reminder to relieve an unwanted attitude. What better way to destress than by replacing a stressful behavior with a calming one?
Also, if you'd like to enhance the experiment, get a notebook and at the end of every day, write down what worked. Do not write down what didn't work. We are focusing on destressing, remember, and not stressing. ~wink~
Choose one of the mantras, aka reminders, aka statements below, and for seven days contemplate it, focus on it by keeping it at the forefront of your mind all day long, and practice it into permanence.
1. "I am focused, organized, and productive in my thoughts." I think about the benefits and blessings in life rather than the faults of what is wrong.
This was my mantra for months about twelve years ago. I was setting goals, and I would say them repeatedly, so I was reminded to stay focused, organized, and productive. It was so helpful, and it worked.
2. "Hocus, pocus, focus on what I want. What do I want?" This is just a fun and funny one I still use when I need to focus. I often say it to others in a playful way when we should concentrate on something particular.
3. "I am alert. I have a quiet mind and relaxed body." This is the best one if you need to teach yourself to relax. Can you imagine saying this all day long to yourself, practicing quieting your mind, and relaxing your body continuously? You'd be an expert at it. Repetition is the great law of learning, reconditioning, and retraining. Some people believe they can't relax and want a way to learn. This is an excellent exercise to train your brain to quiet and your body to relax.
4. "I appreciate and am aware of (fill in the blank here)." This statement points a person in the direction of thinking about what he or she appreciates about the person, place, or thing in front of him or her at the very moment. This is a method to the power in your now. Contemplating, focusing, and practicing this same statement is the opposite of complaining and criticizing. This exercise can and will create a more positive attitude by replacing the negative one.
Your mission, should you accept it is to pick one of the statements given above. Choose the one you believe will help you, and stick with it every day for seven days. First thing in the morning, consciously think about this thought, and it will magnificently start your day. When you lay your head on your pillow in the evening, let this thought be what you contemplate and focus on as you fall asleep.
Contemplate, focus, practice, and keep the statement you chose at the forefront of your mind so that you may enhance destressing habitual thoughts.
This can be a spiritual experiment to overcome human conditioning of negative emotions that disconnect us from God. The goal is to destress with the truth, with focus, and to move back towards the Spirit of who we are.
Make a commitment to yourself and your leveling up to do this, and watch what good things happen.
Let me know how it goes if you'd like...
Big hugs, my dear friend...
Speak soon...
Elizabeth Stanfill
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