Destress yourself with compassion is what I'd like to write about this day.
This post is a bit of a continuation of my last post, Destressing with Focus. Did you read it? You can, if you'd like to, by clicking here.
Item twelve on the stress test just so happens to be... do you get offended easily and/or talk negatively about other people?
In my How to Destress book, I wrote how getting offended easily and talking about it over and over to others is a very stressful habit.
Basically, when we retell a story that we are offended by, we relive the stress again and again.
Destressing yourself with compassion is about caring enough about yourself to care about how you feel. What we speak is what we think, and the thoughts and words are the pathways to our emotions because it's all about what we believe.
Many people, on an intellectual level, know that we have authority over what we will think of ourselves and others. But, even though we may know it intellectually, we may not live it by practice.
It is absolutely normal to get offended, as the human conditioning goes. It is the fruit of the spirit to have compassion, which leads to happiness and understanding.
This business about 'choose happiness' is about choosing our behaviors by choosing our beliefs by governing what we will think over and over.
For example, many people have been going to church every Sunday all their lives, professing to believe in God, yet, many of these same people are dramatizing and gossiping about others. To go to church, profess to believe in God, and then shamefully act out of accordance with what God asks us to do in loving one another is not behaving as one proclaims to believe.
Cooperation between our behaviors and beliefs is about our authority to choose our focus and practice.
If we want happiness and believe we want happiness, we cannot look for things to get offended over and then punish our very being by retelling the story repeatedly.
If you and I were to make a list of all the things we are blessed with, the list would be one hundred, if not one thousand, to one over what we are offended by. Do you see the falsification? To focus on that one thing we are offended by when we can brag all day long about our blessings is quite a magnanimous distortion of reality. This contortion is from human conditioning, not from our spiritual nature.
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." ~1Thessalonians 5:18, Holy Bible, KJV
Leveling up in life, your life is all about the focus (I know, I know, I know... my lecture repeating myself repeatedly ~wink).
If you want to live the truth, you may want to replace getting offended and gossiping with looking for what you can appreciate about the person, place, or thing before you. My last post, Destressing with Focus, is about putting appreciation and focus into practice.
Destressing yourself is all about you and governing your authority to choose how you will behave and believe. This authority in practice leads to our power to overcome anger, anxiety, depression, and despair. This authority and power will reveal a person's value and worth.
The value and worth of a soul are great in the sight of God, and knowing your own value and worth will lead you to your greatest potential and wisdom in this life.
I pray that you can and will find your authority, power, value, and worth if that is what you want. So that you may live with passion and your life's purpose.
Have a wonderful week, my dear friend...
Speak soon...
Elizabeth Stanfill
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