Friday, May 25, 2012


Hey there.  Happy Friday!  You ready?  Ready for the weekend?  I am! HA HA HA!

I have a bit of a dilemma.  My dilemma is, that I love to help people with their stress, but I don't necessarily enjoy being around stressed-out people.  That probably sounds a bit unkind but stressed-out people are very critical and pessimistic.

My son always says that if you don't have the same values as a friend you have to cut them loose.  My thing is I want to love people, I want to help people, and I don't want to cut them loose. At the same time, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time with unpleasant individuals. We can love them, help them, and limit our time with them.  What do you think about that? 

Do you have people in your life that are dispirited
?  Are you disheartened?  To me, it is just as easy to be complimentary, optimistic, and upbeat.  It is a practiced choice.

Awareness is key.  If we are alert and aware, we can choose to become better at our attitude rather than bitter.  The thing about being around really stressed-out people is their habits of stress can be so deep, that they may not get it.  Sometimes you can tell someone they are too cynical and they get offended, in other words, they get bitter.  Other times, the person will get it and then try to be more positive.

Truly, I do not want to fix anyone, I just want to love them. Nevertheless, we can be affected by people who are what we do not want to be.  When people ask me for help, I help them, but when there are people in my life who are ineffective because of cynicism, I don't try to fix them with unsolicited advice, I love them.

Heavenly Father knows that I am far from perfect, sometimes I get in those bleak moods myself, and I think everyone does, but some live in them.

If you want a challenge for the weekend my friend, focus on being complimentary, positive, and optimistic.  Focus on lifting others, watch for those who drain you, and you will watch yourself destress.  You probably already do all of this but, what I am proposing is to bump it up a notch by being more alert and aware by focusing on the good in your life, complimenting the people around you, having faith for the better, and making the extra efforts to allow the feelings of happiness.

One thing I know for sure is, if we want a stress-free life, we have to do the work.  When we do the work to destress, we provide a massive amount of prevention for crisis.

Well, I hope with all my heart and soul you have the best weekend ever, that you accept my challenge, and if you are brave enough, make it your challenge for the week.  Better yet!  Make it a lifestyle change.

Don't forget to have fun and be playful, as well.  ;0)

Big Hugs...
