Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Hi there.  

My last post was focus, organize, and produce.  

Did you read it?  It talks a about, well, about focusing, organizing, and producing.  lol.  

The thing is, in order to destress yourself, we must move towards what we want and so many people don't because they are in the constant state of going nowhere.  In order to feel good about ourselves, we gotta be moving forward in life.

So, with that said, I want to provide three suggestions for priorities on your list to focus, organize, and produce.  These particular things will help destress yourself, and your life.  Trust me on this one.

Numero uno...  Spritituality

Numero dos...  Your mind

Numero tres...  Your body

People always think they want more money, and they do, but we gotta work on these three aspects to really enjoy life, to really destress yourself so you can have focus, organization, and productivity, and make money.

Money, or lack there of, is the number one leader that is causing people to stress right now.  How do I know?  My in box, and my conversations with people.  People are losing 'things' because of their present situation, and it is causing a whole lotta stress, and individuals believe if they have more money, things will be better, and they will except if we are stressed, angry, anxious, or depressed, we are not destressed and we cannot focus, organize, and produce.  We ought to work on the REAL important things that will help us in the long term.

When I am helping someone, whether it is a crisis, overcoming burnout, or general stress, the number one thing that helps is spirituality.  Getting back to God increases faith in life, self, and others.  It's a two way street.  God is always watching over you, and if you watch for Him, you will be comforted and your faith will grow.  Faith is the opposite of fear, which truly is the culprit of stress.

What you put in your mind is very valuable when it comes to destressing, as well.  What goes in your mind comes from your faith or fear.  If you have thoughts of faith in yourself, you move forward with explosive jumps, or if you have thoughts of fear of the future, you will cause yourself stress and stumble. 

In addition, what you put in your body, and how you treat your body will determine your success.  You are what you eat, and if you eat junk, you are junk.  LOL.  

Sorry, it's just if you eat processed foods, they have no nutritional value whatsoever, and therefore, you will not have any energy.  It takes energy to handle stress and good foods, God's foods, will give us energy.  Finally, physical fitness and rest will help you destress yourself.  if you do not exercise and get real rest, your body will become exhausted and overworked, which causes physical stress, and burnout.

What I am proposing with the three crucial things to destress yourself is make spirituality, your mind, and your body a priority so that you can focus, organize, and produce.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." ~Matthew 6:33

"And be renewed in the spirit of your mind." ~Ephesians 4:23

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" ~1Corinthians 6:19

If you are stressed, consider your focus on these three things, then organize, and produce.

That's all I got, have a great day.  Speak soon...
