Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well, hello there, my friend!  How are you?  I hope that you are absolutely perfect today.


I have another question for you!  My question is, why in the heck don't we de-stress?


I know the question is broad and general.  Well, why don't certain people with stress learn how to handle stress better?  Is it because they don't want to?  Or is it because they don't know how to?  Or is it because they love being miserable?  Or is it because they do not believe they can?


The answer......................is........................YES!  


Yes to all of the above.


People don't learn to manage stress because they don't want to, don't know how to, love being miserable, or believe they cannot.


Oh, I cannot wait to get the emails on this one, he he he.


Let's start with why people don't want to manage their stress.  I believe people want to manage stress but do not want to do the work.  It is so easy not to do anything.  Call it laziness, lack of motivation, or inability to act.  Whatever you call it, it all boils down to not wanting it bad enough.  If you want 'it,' meaning a better life, happiness, energy, vitality, and joy, you will do something to manage your stress.


What could you do?  You could read a book on stress, Google stress management, talk to your Bishop or clergy, or seek professional help.  You could eat for energy, exercise vigorously, learn to have faith in yourself and others, and learn to relax to know how anytime and anywhere.


That takes care of wanting to and how to; now, let's talk about loving misery.  People will say, I don't love misery or being miserable, but I would argue, "If you don't do anything about it, you must love it."  Harsh, I know, but some people are so engulfed in drama and misery every day that they must love it.  People always come to me asking for help, and the people who always have an excuse as to why they can't improve this or that, I am convinced that they love misery.  Maybe it brings them attention or a purpose in life, I don't know, but they refuse to live without it.


I'll give you an example.  This individual came to me because of the stress in the business that they own.  This person was overwhelmed because employees were flaky, wouldn't hit deadlines, would call in sick or late, and would do whatever they wanted.  We discussed boundaries; this business owner had every excuse for why each boundary would not work.  We are discussing boundaries like disciplinary action if employees do not adhere to company policy.  We also discussed learning not to get upset when employees display this behavior, but there were more excuses.  This business owner suffered because of the unwillingness to do anything about the distress.


This person has to love suffering!


Lastly, I suggest that people do not manage their stress because they believe they cannot.  This is a consequence of a lack of self-confidence.  People have a fear of poverty, old age, criticism, loss of love, ill health, or death, and all of these fears cause low self-confidence.  Any fear causes low self-confidence.  


So, what can we do?  We can discover our fear and turn it into faith.  Yes, yes, yes, a lot easier said than done.  But you have a choice; you can choose to have fear, or you can choose to create faith, it's just a thought.


My friend, if you want to de-stress yourself and haven't taken the steps yet, maybe you need to evaluate why.  Is it that you don't want to?  Or is it that you don't know how?  Or is it that you love being unhappy?  Or is it that you do not believe you can?


Once you have evaluated your reason, work on that as a goal.  If you want happiness, energy, vitality, and joy in your life, then learn to want to de-stress yourself, learn how to de-stress yourself, learn how to love happiness instead of misfortune, or learn how you can believe you can.




If you are not living with happiness, energy, joy, and vitality, something must be done. You can learn to be happy by de-stressing yourself, and I can show you how for free. The only thing you gotta do is read my blog and apply the practices.


If you want to live your dream life, let me help you. Learn to de-stress yourself by me for free, and experience permanent stress relief. There are many de-stressing exercises throughout my blog, and you can apply them throughout your week or month. Practice can make permanent stress relief.


Praying for your success, and thank you for visiting my blog.


Remember to have fun and be playful.


Elizabeth Stanfill