Who dee who, boogaboo...
Destressing worry is what I'd like to discuss this day.
How are you doing my friend?
Hoping and praying that you are destressing yourself everyday. It takes practice into permanence, you know?
In my last post on the Stress Test, I mentioned revisiting the stressful habits within my book How to Destress Via Stress Test & Stress Relief, which you can find free on Amazon today.
The first item is worry.
Worry is mostly thinking about a least desirable outcome, and maybe even the worst outcome. Worry is practicing faith of the undesirable kind, i.e., believing in what one doesn't want.
Worry leads to stress because it is fearful, and the stress response is activated by fear.
It is my belief, through education, evidence, and experience that stress is the number one cause of every illness, even mental illness.
Many people argue the above statement but it's true. The worst part of the argument is that many people are unaware of what stress is. They argue that they have no stress.
There is a common misconception that stress is an event or occurrence. Therefore, a person may not know that they stress via worry because it's habitual, it's normal to them, and they don't even know they are doing it.
We are not taught to pay close attention to our habitual thoughts, and so many do not recognize their focus.
The human conditioning teaches us to worry about what others think, and much of human behavior stems from that worry. This behavior comes from a place of insecurity, which is the opposite of confidence.
In order to destress worry, a person must train their mind to think about the best possible outcome, the desired outcome. By doing this we are not only building our confidence, we are building our trust in God, and our trust in our selves.
So many people believe we have to worry, and they will argue for that insecurity, and stress. It is but the human conditioning that these people are arguing for.
I'm on God's side, in the confidence, and trust. God, through Jesus' words, asks us to have faith, and tells us that faith can move mountains. Worry is not the kind of faith God, and Jesus are talking about.
The faith that is discussed in the Holy Bible is the faith in God, the faith in His plan, the faith in our brothers and sisters in this world, and the faith in our own common sense that can, and will build our confidence.
It takes conditioning, and practice to build confidence, and faith but first a person must learn to quiet the racing worried mind that has been in practice for all the years of his or her life.
Quieting the mind through meditation can, and will help anyone notice the momentum and speed the habit of worry has developed in the mind.
Once a worrier has learned to quiet his or her mind, he/she can then begin to develop the habit of faithful and fearless thoughts, knowing God is in charge, and all things are for our good, our spiritual expansion.
God loves us, and cares for us. He is giving us all good things for our spiritual development. We are His spiritual sons and daughters. This life here is for our learning to become more like Him, and to lift others through our passion and purpose.
We all have a purpose here on earth, and that purpose is to discover our passion and help one another by lifting each other through our desires.
It is my humble opinion, through education, evidence, and experience, the desire in a person's heart and soul is the seed planted by God. Better said, we are all here for a reason, we all have talents and traits that are planted in us by God, and we discover these by living, and searching out the good desires of our hearts.
In order to destress worry, one must quiet the mind via meditation, and practice reconditioning the habitual thoughts of the mind towards the desired outcomes.
Whether a person chooses to trust, or chooses to worry, he or she cannot tell the future, therefore to say worry is being realistic is nonsense. To choose to trust is building confidence, to continue to worry is solidifying more insecurity, which leads to, if not already is, mental illness.
The human conditioning gives way to worry by default.
The spiritual conditioning gives way to confidence, safety, and security by desire.
We are all given the authority, power, and right to choose what we will think.
You, and I, have been given the free agency, and authority to choose what we will think.
You and I, have been given the power to choose, moment by moment, to think thoughts of confidence, and faith.
I have a memory of when my Agape (my only offspring) was very young. I remember thinking to myself, I shall always be loving and kind in the morning for him, no matter what. I knew that if I was loving and kind, he would have a wonderful start to his day, but if I was moody I could, and would ruin his day. He is thirty three now, and I still live by that conscious choice.
The reason I share that memory is because I want you to know that we can choose to think thoughts that will curve our habits, including that of worry. I wanted more than anything for my Agape to feel happy, safe, and secure first thing in the morning, and throughout the day. That was my choice to give him confidence rather than stress and worry. It is my choice to be confident by example, rather than stressed.
We can choose.
That's all I got my dear friend.
God bless you...
May God bless you in your endeavor to overcome worry, and build trust, if you are needing to.
Love, love...
Speak soon...
Welcome! Destress Yourself is about connecting to God, relieving strain from human conditioning, and leveling up via spiritual expansion. Even if you don't believe in God, you may believe in confidence, and inner peace, the opposite of stress. Please know, these are my own opinions from personal and professional education, evidence and experience. My opinions about behavior and conditioning! That's My Disclaimer! The information here is not substitute for professional advice!