Monday, March 14, 2016

Love is For Giving...

Hello there...

How are you? I pray that you are doing super duper allie ooper this day.

Oh muh goodness, it's been a while since I have blogged but it is always on my mind because of my amazing readers whom I love so very much. Forgive me for my absence, please?!?

My life is always busy, but I love to blog because of the interaction with my readers, and in my heart I truly am a writer.

Within my racing mind I seem to find myself contemplating, and wanting to write about love, a lot. Matter of fact, I am quite confident I truly know what unconditional love is.  Seriously!

Through out my 51 years of living, I do believe that I have had glimpses of love, but now I have nothing but love.

When I was a bit younger, and people spoke of unconditional love, I heard, "blah, blah, blah." lol

Now, I know, without a doubt what love is.

At this point you are probably wondering why dear young hearted Elizabeth is rambling about love.

Well, love is the ultimate antidote to stress.  Love can, and will de-stress your life right here, right now.

Love is the optimum emotion and it feels like bliss.

What I have come to believe about love is, you can give it effortlessly if you have it. Therefore, if you have love for yourself, you can easily give love to others. But, if you do not have love for yourself, you are unable to give it so easily without conditions.

In my younger years I had close to zero love for myself. The first half of my adult life I was a very angry person with anxiety, depression, and debt. My moods were uncontrolled and therefore, I was a very mean person to others and myself. Oh, I was nice too but I could be really mean.

Now, after a lot of practice, I'm starting to believe, I do not have it in me to be mean. 

When someone, say like in customer service, is unkind to me, I say a little prayer for them in my heart, and I will ask them if they are alright?

In the past I would be offended that they were not nice, and then I would go on and on about how I thought they should be nice.

The thing is, I desire to give people the benefit of the doubt in my mind because I want people to give me the benefit of the doubt in their mind.

I love myself enough to think thoughts that make me feel better, and that includes thinking the better thought about the other person.

It may sound weird to you, or you may get it when I say, I have no opinion on the way another person should be, I just want to love them because I love myself enough to do that.

Ponder this for a moment... If I am offended by something someone does, I feel like poop! In contrast, if I choose to give the other person the benefit of the doubt, and understand some people are dealing with difficulties, I feel so much better.

Destressing yourself is about behaving in ways that allow us to feel better!

Besides, it is not our job, nor our purpose, in life to control the way another person acts.

But, it truly is part of our purpose to govern our own thoughts, and it takes practice. The first step to choosing to think better thoughts about another, or a situation, is loving yourself enough to do it.

When we don't require people to be a certain way, in our mind, we live the "un" in unconditional love.

See! I told you I know what unconditional love is, ~wink, wink~

What I am trying to say is, we may relieve the stress in our life if we love ourselves enough to think better thoughts that make us feel good.

When we have love for the self, we have love for others, and love is for giving.

I love love, I love life, I love my life, and I love you.

For much of my youth, negative emotions were my ball and chain. These negative emotions kept me in the bitter hell of suicidal ideations. It is safe to say that now because it's been years since I have felt that way.

Within the span of twenty-five years I have talked thousands of people out of anxiety attacks, probably hundreds out of suicide, and sometimes as many as two in a week.

Participation in the Emergency Field has given me the experience of knowing personally, about a dozen of individuals who have successfully committed suicide, and three of them were my dear friends, whom I dearly love.

Because of my experiences, I do what I do, and I have discovered, through helping others and myself, suicide can be prevented. In addition, negative emotions are not necessary, and much of crisis and despair may be removed by finding love for the self.

This is what I really want you to hear...

If you are having a hard time in life because of stress, I earnestly want to convince you to be kinder to yourself. Think kinder thoughts about yourself and give others the benefit of the doubt so that you may feel better feelings.

Furthermore my friend, sweeter thoughts like having faith the best outcome will happen rather than fear that the worst thing will come to pass will, in fact, make you feel better.

Your thoughts really do matter!

I love you...

You know I do...

Speak soon..
