Hello there my friend. How are you this wonderful winter day? I must say, I am very happy and grateful!!!
Last night, I attended a Christmas Program, which was MAGNIFIQUE!!! Any who, I was talking to a lady who, you guessed it, is really stressed out. She is currently going through her second wedding (for her second daughter) this year.
Sooo, I told her that there was no such thing as stress, only stressful thoughts. She didn't get it. Do you get it? Do you get that there is no such thing as stress, only stressful thoughts?
When we feel stressed it is from our thoughts of thinking that we can't handle it. Stress is from our thoughts of worry. What is this woman's stress? She is overwhelmed by a busy schedule, as well as work, and her other children. So, she is worried. She is worried that she can't handle it, and that everything won't be perfect unless she get's everything done that she needs to get done. Hence, her stressful thoughts.
Whenever I talk to someone who is stressed, I know that they are worried about something. There is no reason to worry. Worry is just a habit, a habitual way of thinking. People worry about what they don't have, they worry about how to get what they want or don't have, they worry about what others' think, and/or they worry about if they can handle IT, whatever IT is. IT can be finances, relationships, health, weight, an overwhelming schedule, a child that is not good enough, and/or work.
What are you worried about? "Oh Elizabeth, I'm not worried about anything." Oh reeeeeeally??? I know that I can have a conversation with you and within 5 minutes or so, you will say what you are worried about. Are you worried about the future? Are you worried about the past, or yesterday? Are you worried about money? Are you worried that you will never find Mr/Mrs Right? Are you worried that your boss doesn't treat you well? Are you worried about Christmas?
Well, whatever it is you are worried about, this is what I want you to know.
Everyone, including me, has had some serious shizzz happen and we made it through whatever rough time there was and you will make it through this.
This is a lot easier said than done but, stay in this moment, stay right here, right now, with whoever you are with, or where ever you are at, and enjoy yourself. If you are unable to enjoy yourself, then you have a habit to learn. Enjoying yourself is just a habit, a habitual way of thinking, just like worrying. One of the best things anyone can do is replace the habit of worry with the habit of enjoying yourself.
If you know me, you know it is possible!!!
Destress Yourself with an affirmation. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, or stressed, say to yourself, "I can handle this, I can handle anything, and I can be, do, have anything I set my heart and mind to."
Have a great day and don't forget to have fun and be playful.
Welcome! Destress Yourself is about connecting to God, relieving strain from human conditioning, and leveling up via spiritual expansion. Even if you don't believe in God, you may believe in confidence, and inner peace, the opposite of stress. Please know, these are my own opinions from personal and professional education, evidence and experience. My opinions about behavior and conditioning! That's My Disclaimer! The information here is not substitute for professional advice!