Hello my dear reader...
How are you doing?
Got questions about love for you...
But first, did you do the spiritual experiment from last post, Faith Over Force? I certainly did, and it really got me thinking about my faith in God, and how I can do all things through Him and that faith.
This focus on faith kept me away from thoughts of fear. Pretty cool, I think. Being faithful and fearless is what destressing yourself is all about.
I've been writing about faith, God, and love a lot because I know that is the foundation of everyone's purpose in life. As I do these experiments and write about spiritual expansion, I have dreams.
Yesterday, when I was a sleep, I dreamt that I fell a sleep (funny, I know!), and God came to me and said, "Be neutral, be silent, for there I am." Then I woke up from my dream, in my dream.
Crazy, crazy but so really real to me.
So, I'd like to ask questions about love because, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love," ~Galatians 5:22, New Testament, Holy Bible, KJV
We are spiritual! And we are love!
Have you been showing love?
How often do you show love through actions and words towards your loved ones?
Is it everyday?
Once a week?
Every other week?
Our family and friends need our love through actions and words. It brings us closer and the more often we show our love the happier we will be.
The happier we are the less stressed we are.
One of my good friends always tells me that if she is feeling sad or lonely the first thing she does is call someone else to see how they are and if they need anything.
She receives comfort in comforting a loved one.
I have to agree with her. When I reach out to another it helps me feel better.
This is a great way to destress yourself with a heart full of love, by showing love.
Reaching out to others reminds me of the scripture, "Pure religion and indefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." ~James 1:27, New Testament, Holy Bible, KJV
Is there someone you can reach out to, and maybe lift up by listening to them, and letting them know you are there if they need it?
One of my focuses for 2021 is to talk less and listen more. Listen more to others to learn more and understand more. We need each other, and I want to be for others what I would like others to be for me.
Let us create a spiritual experiment, shall we!
I'm laughing out loud because I think I am so clever and cute with these spiritual experiments. These experiments are to create habits of faith over fear, for 2021.
Spiritual experiment:
Everyday, for as many days as possible, see if you can think of someone who may need lifting, or you might want to talk to, and give them a call. Give them a call with the intention of lifting them my listening.
As God said in my dream, "Be neutral, be silent, for there I am." Listen to that person with the love of God in your heart.
This is the year for increasing faith my friend.
That's it! Short and sweet, straight to the meat!
Have a great week!
Big Hugs...
Speak soon my friend.